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En god løsning brukt med kraft er nå bedre enn en perfekt løsning som ble brukt ti minutter senere - Generell George S Patton. I mitt tennisliv lyttet jeg alltid til General Patton. Som en spiller vil jeg heller spille et konkurransedyktig sett enn å bekymre meg for min nye andre tjeneste som har perfeksjonen ct mengde spin Som trener, vil jeg heller komme i gang med leksjonen enn å bekymre deg for å ha den perfekte leksjonsplanen. I mitt handelsliv har jeg likevel ikke lyst på det hele. Det er ikke at jeg er uenig med Patton It s mer som jeg har vært ulydig I handel hadde jeg en historie med å vente og vente, så jeg kunne bare undersøke mer. For en eller annen grunn trodde jeg at det var venter, var det bra fordi det er bedre å være trygg enn beklager. Jeg gjør det Hvorfor tok jeg en ide som virker så bra i alle fasetter av livet, og se bort fra det. Det handler om pengene. Kjære gjør merkelige ting til folk En av mine favoritthistorier handler om en kjent high-stake gambler Selv om han var bare en over gjennomsnittlig golfspiller, gambler hevdet at han kunne slå noen i verden hvis innsatsene var høye nok hvis pengene på linjen var ekstreme, sa han, selv de beste golferne i verden vil etter hvert bli nervøse og smuldre Fordi han aldri freaked ut om penger, gjorde det ham en gambling superhero o Det er slik at historien går. Det ser alltid ut til meg at innsatsene ved å trykke på en knapp på en skjerm er mye høyere enn å fikse en topprangerte barns forhånd. Det gjør ikke noe logisk fornuft, men det er en ekte ting. av det har det ikke vært lett å ta det siste skrittet. Det har ikke vært lett å. Do mye forsker opp med en god, ikke perfekt løsning. Og kom i gang. Hvorfor fordi det er penger på linjen jeg har hele tiden følt behovet å tredoble sjekk min dobbeltsjekke fordi penger er så viktig, og jeg er ganske sikker på at det koster meg. Å gripe er det viktigste vi kan gjøre i våre liv. Ikke det vi ser ut. Gjør handling og forandre kostholdet Don Jeg liker ikke jobben Ta tiltak og begynn å se et annet sted. Ikke lik de giftige menneskene i våre liv. Gjør handling og begynn å sparke dem. Ikke lik mengden i vår handelskonto. Du får bildet. Så hvorfor ikke vi gjør det Vi ikke gjør det fordi det siste skrittet er en doozy Det siste trinnet kan være det vanskeligste vi har gjort i vår li ves. Which minner meg om en annen historie. Vet du at Muhammad Ali en gang var villig til å kjempe Wilt Chamberlain Det var sant Ali var den beste bokser i verden på den tiden og Wilt ansett å være den største basketballspilleren i verden Fordi Wilt s ego visste ingen grenser da Wilt sa det, sa Wilt han kunne absolutt slå Ali. Hva startet som en morsom hypotetisk, ble til en faktisk kamp. Skytingen fortsatte å bygge til de nådde tidspunktet for den obligatoriske pre-fight pressekonferansen. skulle så skje. Og da under pressekonferansen var begge krigere til stede, ble Ali spurt hvordan han motvirker den 7 ft 2 tommers Chamberlain s høydefordelen. Han reagerte bare, TIMBER. Chamberlain trakk sin utfordring for å bekjempe Ali samme dag. Når vi møttes med det siste skrittet for å faktisk komme i ringen med den beste fighteren i verden, bestemte Chamberlain seg for å få hælen ut av Dodge. Det kan skje med det beste av oss. Få tilbake til handel, hva om vi ble presentert wi det er et system som muligens gir oss en 12 måneders avkastning på 50 eller mer i 8 av de siste 14 årene. Og hva om dette systemet fortsatt gjorde gode penger i de seks årene, gjorde det ikke minst 50 med en maksimal nedtelling på under 50. Vil vi gjøre det Er det kvalifisert som en god løsning som kan brukes med kraft nå Eller vil vi vente ti minutter for å se om vi kunne gjøre det bedre. Hva ville vi få ved å vente. Det virker ganske klart, General Patton hadde rett . Må det være på tide å endelig høre på ham. Torsdag klokken 14.00 EST-webinar starter opp igjen 5. januar Den nye registreringslenken er her. Innspillingene på torsdagens webinarer går på min YouTube-kanal. Du kan abonnere ved å gå her. Hvis du d som en kopi av min gratis eBok, gå til og bare fyll ut skjemaet. Det er to handelsrelaterte ting som gjør meg sint. Når jeg blir begeistret for et system og så viser det sig å være så komplisert at jeg ikke kan gjøre det det selv. Når jeg blir begeistret for et system, og så viser det sig å være et ubrukelig søppel en gang Jeg tester det. På grunn av det går jeg på en mini-rampage, og prøver å finne et enkelt system som alle kan bruke som faktisk kan sette penger i lommene. Systemet vi snakker om i dag, er for aksjer Som du sikkert vet , I only trade Forex for now , but my favorite instrument to trade is stocks I ve always liked that you can buy Barnes Noble stock and then go into one of their stores and help the stock price by buying a few books I realize that s ridiculous , but it s still fun. Forex, to me, is just some mindless, faceless chart that goes up and down Stocks are companies and people and stories Again, more fun. Plus, there are a lot more retail people trading stocks and a lot more retail people who would be open to a stock system, as opposed to an ambiguous Forex methodology. So here s the system. First, the hard part finding stocks to buy How do you find something to trade when there s so much to choose from. Here s what we can do Once a year, we can go to Barnes Noble especially if we own their stock , and buy one of the 100 Best Stocks To Buy books Have you seen these Every year they come out with a new one Allegedly, their picks do okay, but I ve never studied their results in detail We don t care about their picks, though, we just want some ideas. Now we have 100 great ideas on stocks to buy, so let s whittle those down Let s say we use a filter that s boring and concrete, and let s say we re only going to pick 10 because that s a nice, round number How do we pick our 10.We ll keep it super simple Let s only buy stocks that we can actually see in our own homes If we can t see it or haven t bought it, we can t trade it The logic being a stock isn t going to zero if we all have to buy the company s products indefinitely Some famous Oracle From Omaha tends to pick stocks this way, too. So we ve decided on 10 stocks that we can see in our homes and we have a hypothetical 10,000 trading account To keep our simple motif, we ll buy 1,000 worth of all ten stocks We re ready to trade. Here s the system. Buy the 100 Best Stock book before the end of the year The 100 Best Stocks to Buy in 2018 will come out before December, for example. Choose ten stocks from that list that we can see in our house. Buy 1,000 worth of each stock on January 1st of the next year. Hold each pick for five years. The advantages of this system are clear One, we do almost no work and then we get the next five years off. Two, no trading or chart-watching. Three, no short-term tax problems and no day-trading requirements. Four, research shows stocks go up in the long-term. As it turns out, I like to keep track of things, so I actually still have the 100 Best Stocks To Buy book from 2012 That s about five years ago, so we can look at some results. Here are the stocks we might have picked back in late 2011.AAPL I can see my iPod in my house. BBBY I can look at all the stuff I bought there. BBY I bought the TV I m looking at there. CL my toothpaste. CLX my cleaning products. CPB their soup is in m y cupboard. K their cereal is, too. KO in my refrigerator. MKC my spices in the cabinet. PEP also in my refrigerator and cabinets. All are visible in my house in one way or another If I bought on January 1st, 2012 and held until now, what would have happened. Here s the breakdown. Stocks To Buy 2012.As you can see in that really big chart, of the ten, there was only one that lost money. Overall, the portfolio made about 6,600 on our original 10k account about 1,300 per year , which gave us an average return of about 13 per year. If we had a big nest egg of 500,000 like we talked about in a recent post then our 100 Best Stocks To Buy trading account could have paid us 54,000 a year, or 4,500 per month If our expenses are less than that, we re independently wealthy, and we would have done about fifteen minutes of work in the past five years. It begs the question what if we picked different stocks The answer is that other stocks probably would do the same or better Most of the stocks I looked at on the list of one hundred made some profit As long as we are diversified with ten, we should be just fine. It also feels like cheating, doesn t it How can we call ourselves traders if we re not doing any trading Believe it or not, that s a really tough question It s hard to believe in something so simple, as strange as that sounds. And, of course, there are trading systems that make more money. But today we wanted something simple that produces results. I don t think we can get much more simple than that. The Thursday 2 pm EST webinars start up again January 5th The NEW registration link is here. The recordings of the Thursday webinars go on my YouTube channel You can Subscribe by going here. If you d like a copy of my free eBook, go to and just fill out the form. I was born a countertrend trader. Or, more to the point, my trading life began with total belief in countertrend trading. The books I read were countertrend in nature and the trades I took were countertrend in action I believed that cou ntertrend trading was the best and only way to trade. While I no longer believe in countertrend s exclusive dominance, trading against the trend back to fair value is still near and dear to my heart It s probably my favorite way to trade. If you re a countertrend trader, you have a few things going for you One, you re taking part in the universal law of reverting to the mean, which is irrefutable What goes up must come down Winning streaks are followed by losing streaks Nothing lasts forever, and when it stops, where does it go Back to the mean. Being a countertrend trader means you are trading in a way that utilizes principles that will be true forever So I got that going for me Which is nice. Two, you get the added benefit of being right Nothing is more exquisite than making a bold prediction that comes true A countertrend trader is basically saying, The world is wrong I am right And then you get to be right Pretty satisfying. The problem with countertrend trading occurs when it doesn t g o the way you want. What goes up does have to come down, but it doesn t have to come down when you want it to It can go up and up and up before it ever decides to come down, and it s not fun to be on that ride when it happens. Plus, when you tell the world it s wrong and you re the one who s wrong, you feel like an idiot Um, w hy did I short Apple again The psychological pain of being wrong when everyone else is right is considerable. Nonetheless, I ll always have a fondness for countertrend trading. A while ago, I did a Course that had three different countertrend trading systems One of those used Weekly Pivot Points. As a super quick review, Weekly Pivot Points have been used by traders for about 100 years Pivot Points represent the fair value for a financial instrument on a weekly basis If price gets too far away from its Weekly Pivot Point, it is likely that we will see a reversion back toward fair value I learned about the power of Pivot Points from Rob Booker in 2009, and I built a ro botic trading system using those principles for my Course Those robots were built to trade on the Tradestation platform. The problem is that I didn t quite build them right. Those Tradestation Weekly Pivot robots were programmed to only enter trades at the close of a bar At the time, my programmer told me that it would be very expensive to build intra-bar robots that got into trades at exactly the moment I wanted to, and I thought that it wouldn t make a big difference anyway. I was wrong Way wrong. A short time ago, I had these same robots built for MT4 This time, I did not wait for the close of the bar This time, the robots got in at exactly the point I desired That made a huge difference. This week, I put together a portfolio of Weekly Pivot robots to see how a few different currency pairs would work together in countertrend harmony. But I wanted more than that I wanted to see how aggressive the Weekly Pivots could be and how much they could hypothetically make. Let s take a look. By tradin g four currency pairs EURUSD, GBPUSD, GBPCHF, USDJPY at an aggressively high trading size on a hypothetical 10,000 trading account, this countertrend quartet did quite well. Here are ten year-end totals for the portfolio of four. That s pretty impressive With no compounding, this portfolio hypothetically averages 9,047 per year over the past decade Again, with no compounding, that s 90 per year Of course, there was one losing year in 2016, but it s already bounced back in 2017 Plus, it was only a small loss. As we talked about, though, when the trend is pounding against you, it can be some rough sledding. Take for example, 2013 It s profitable for the year, but there was a massive trend uprising between May and September of that year Trades would enter and trades would immediately run away from the Weekly Pivot When you put all the trades on a spreadsheet and total up the maximum damage to our hypothetical account, it comes out to 10,548 That s a big number and it s also the worst drawdown of all the years. Putting the math together, it turns out it s not possible to trade this system at this trade size on a 10,000 account You could lower the trade sizes, but let s stick with this example. To accommodate for that maximum drawdown, let s say we trade it on a 15,000 account That s incredibly aggressive but let s just say we re crazy people If we did that, 9,047 per year on a 15k account is 60 3.So, yes, countertrend trading can make over 50 per year hypothetically, but that s only if you can handle big drawdowns. There is one other problem. This data is from MT4 only While I do everything I can to make my MT4 testing accurate, I don t have Tradestation to back me up While my Tradestation testing and MT4 testing are very similar most of the time, I can t confirm this data with Tradestation But anyone could run their own tests on the data to double-check. Assuming the data is as solid as we d like it to be, let s take a final look at lowering the risk Let s trade this portfolio on a 20,000 account That lowers our one-time max drawdown to about 50 , which lowers our average return percentage down to about 45 per year If we re even more risk averse, we could trade it on a 30,000 account, which would lower our max drawdown to 33 and our average percentage return since 2007 to 30 1.That s still really good. The bottom line Countertrend trading can make monumental returns if you re willing to take big drawdowns If not, countertrend trading is can still perform quite well. I m going to do a new video on this portfolio next week for the original Course How To Make 50 Per Year On Purpose I ll post the video inside the Course and attach the MT4 robot. That means if you re already a member of that course, you ll get the new MT4 robot for free If you want to join now, those robots will be included at no additional cost once the video is posted next week. Lifetime Members will get access to the Course and therefore can also get the robots. The bottom line Countertrend trading is a philosophically sound, satisfying, and scary way to trade But it can produce good results. Just ask Warren Buffett. note this post was updated on 3 6 17.The Thursday 2 pm EST webinars start up again January 5th The NEW registration link is here. The recordings of the Thursday webinars go on my YouTube channel You can Subscribe by going here. If you d like a copy of my free eBook, go to and just fill out the form. We dance around in ring and suppose. But the Secret sits in the middle, and knows. When we talk about trading, there are a lot of things to talk about. We could talk about trading systems we could talk about psychology we could talk about money management All of those are important. But none of those things truly gets us closer to trading-for-a-living Knowing that information doesn t help us make the journey from job cubicle mortgage stress misery to freedom We re looking for a life where all our bills are paid and the only thing on our schedule is maybe sitting a hammock A new Stochastics setting isn t going to get us there. So how do we get there How do we go from where we are now to complete ind ependence Where do we even begin. The truth is It all begins with your monthly expenses. If you re thinking of trading-for-a-living and don t know your monthly expenses, then you have more work to do If you don t know your expenses, do some quick calculations and come right back. Once we know our monthly expenses, we can get started We now have a number to get to If we don t have that number, then we don t know what size account we need, and we don t know what trade size to use, and we don t know how much profit our system needs to generate. Without that number, we re just aimlessly dancing around with our friends, discussing trading methodologies in the sunshine until our families call us in for dinner We re going nowhere until we know that number. Once we do know, though, it begins The Plan magically takes shape. Let s say our monthly expenses are 2,250 Is that a ridiculous number Well, it s the exact number that Mr Money Mustache uses Who s he He s the guy who quit his job at 30 and has l ived solely off the profits of his initial nest egg. What was his process First, he saved Then he quit at 30 Twelve years later, nothing has changed He s doing that exact same plan Money is not an issue. Isn t that what we signed up for Isn t that what we dream about We want trading to pay all of our bills so our lives are entirely ours That s exactly what Mr Money Mustache has done. So there it is Mission accomplished. Now how do we stop dancing around and do it ourselves. Again, we first need to know our monthly expenses Before he retired, Mr Money Mustache MMM calculated his annual expenses to be no more than 27,000, or 2,250 per month. Once that was calculated, MMM needed something to pay him that amount He chose trading. Well, not really trading MMM doesn t believe in trading He s under the assumption that technical analysis has been proven to be futile author s note I believe him to be categorically wrong in this assumption, but let s continue. Because he believes trading is futile but i nvesting is foolproof, he decided to put all of his money into a Vanguard Index Fund. Now let s go through the numbers. His family needs a max of 27,000 a year to be free forever If we look at the 15-year performance of a basic Vanguard Index Fund VFINX we see that this fund has averaged 7 21 per year That s interesting, because internet research shows that the stock market as a whole has averaged about 7 per year since the 1920 s Depending on when you decided to start your calculations, it might even be more than 7 But let s just stick to that 7 21 number. Back to the Plan. If he needed 27,000 a year, then how much did MMM initially have to save to feel safe in retirement. The answer 374,480.However, that number is the bare minimum We know that the market doesn t go up 7 every year like clockwork Far from it What happens if the market has a bad year the first year we retire Then, of course, we still take out 27,000 and also watch our original nest egg shrink If the nest egg gets too low, t hen we have to change our trade size If we change trade size, then that return number isn t accurate. It would be better to build in a little margin of safety. How do we do that MMM offers a very simple rule take your annual expenses number and multiply by 25 If you do that, all of the ups and downs should be mathematically accounted for. Taking that into account, if we multiply 27,000 by 25, we get 675,000.He and his wife had nice jobs, so MMM had that saved up in 2005.He s been going strong ever since Trading pays his bills and the rest of his and his family s life is free. If those numbers sound doable to you right now, you re also free You don t have to read any more blog posts or do any more research You re done See you in Zehuatanejo Or somewhere else. But you probably have some questions. My expenses are bigger than 27,000 What then. And what if I don t have that much saved and won t any time soon. First, if your expenses are more than that, you could go on a expense-cutting mission and cut out things you don t need in your life You might be surprised at how much money you waste each month I know I ve wasted money on stupid things. Or you could save more money Let s do the numbers. If your expenses are 5,000 a month, then you have annual expenses of 60,000. 60,000 times 25 1,500,000 If you can save that much, again, you re all set if you like Index Funds. Second, if saving 675,000 is not doable, it s not over Not at all All you d need to do is make more than 7 per year. Keeping MMM s example, if you could make 15 per year and have 27k of expenses, you d only need about 350,000 to retire comfortably That s a much smaller number. And that s the Secret Once you know your expenses, all you have to do is find a vehicle that produces the necessary returns If you believe that trading is impossible but Index Fund investing is real, then your blueprint is above. If you totally disagree with the idea that trading is impossible, then you have all sorts of crazy options. I ll leave you with one of those crazy options. Let s take a robot I ve traded since 2014 That s not 100 years of proof but it s not yesterday either. If you used a moderately aggressive trade size and had 27,000 of expenses per year, you could hypothetically retire on a 150,000 nest egg. To repeat If you had 150,000 and used that simple robot, you would have been able to hypothetically pay your bills and have your nest egg grow slightly in the past three years. That s only if you believe in trading, though. The Thursday 2 pm EST webinars start up again January 5th The NEW registration link is here. The recordings of the Thursday webinars go on my YouTube channel You can Subscribe by going here. If you d like a copy of my free eBook, go to and just fill out the form. On paper, the logic seems infallible. If one doughnut is good, three is better. If working out for fifteen minutes is good, six hours is tremendous. If having one wife is good, then having four is fantastic maybe that s a bad example. The same goes for trading If I have a system that works and trades the way I like and that system trades about 50 times a year then more trades would definitely be better, right. One of the hardest life lessons I ve ever had to learn is that less can be more In fact, more of something usu ally makes it worse. For example, three doughnuts are not better than one If you must have a doughnut and I believe these moments exist having just one or half of one is a lot better than having three Three can make you sick or sluggish or worse Plus, three doughnuts can be over 1,000 calories, and more calories is almost always not a better situation. The same applies to working out In the past, when I saw good results from working out for about 30-40 minutes, I immediately thought that an hour or more could produce even better results Similarly, when I was working out three times a week and saw improvement, I thought that five days a week could double my progress. Of course, that was wrong. Think of working out like getting a suntan If you get out in the sun for 10-15 minutes, you get a nice, warm color to your skin If you stay out for two hours, you look like a lobster, but only until you start peeling like a snake. When working out, you need to do the least amount possible because the b ody needs rest If you work out too much, you sunburn your muscles and can actually hurt yourself. I m not going to comment on having three wives Let s just say it s not for me. Going back to trading, it s so easy to think that adding more trades will add more money If 100 trades in a year makes me 5,000, then 1,000 trades will make me 50,000.But let s look at an example. Using the Fair Value system we ve talked about a lot lately, let s look at what happens when we add more trades. Because the winning percentage is so high, and because 98 of the series of trades go profitable within a week, it would be easy to want that system to trade more It wins all the time let s add more winning. The problem, as we ve talked about before, is that trading more brings more bad opportunities into play If we cross a freeway once a year, we have a good chance to make it to the other side If we cross two times a day, there s more of a chance we ll get clipped. Same thing for trading If we get into more Fair V alue trades, the likelihood of a big drawdown becomes greater and greater. Using the NZDUSD Fair Value robot as an example, the normal settings from the course recommend waiting a long time for price to move far away from Fair Value By waiting a long time and not getting many trades , we re waiting for certain circumstances to occur and then trading in that environment. Keeping to the NZDUSD, if we use the regular, patient settings and 0 1 lots for each trade, we get a hypothetical profit of about 3,500 and a max drawdown of about 870 on a hypothetical account size of 6,000- 8,000 However, we only get 621 trades That s only about 3 trades per month. That doesn t seem like enough trades for something that wins so much Let s get some more. This time I ran a test but I changed the parameters so that I got in a trade much faster This time, I only waited for price to move half as far from Fair Value as I did in the original By waiting for less extreme conditions, I get a ton more trades. By wait ing half as long, we got more action This time we got 2,166 trades That s better. How much profit did we get 6,400 That s better. How much drawdown did we get 10,683 Uh oh. If we keep the same account size as our original, that drawdown means we lose everything We get more trades and we get more profit, but we also get a busted account. Turns out there is a huge advantage to doing less. That not to say there s anything wrong with wanting more Why wouldn t we all want more money. But we need to be sure we stay disciplined. If we find something we like, something that works, we d be well-advised to not try to make anything more out of it. The Thursday 2 pm EST webinars start up again January 5th The NEW registration link is here. The recordings of the Thursday webinars go on my YouTube channel You can Subscribe by going here. If you d like a copy of my free eBook, please email me at with the Subject Line Free eBook I ll be happy to send a copy right out. A long time ago, legendary college football coach Bear Bryant once said, It s kind of hard to rally around a math class. Sadly, it s true. While math classes can lead to discoveries that change the world, millions of people don t scream at their TV when the final part of a theorem is pieced together Likewise, people don t put on their Differential Equations gear and parade it all over town. People do, however, rally around sports Sports can show you right in front of your face the best of what humans can be And it s inspiring. Recently we had one of those special sports moments With the world watching, we saw an aging superstar make an improbable comeback, cementing his unquestionable status as the greatest of all time. Of course, I m speaking about Roger Federer s Australian Open championship You weren t thinking of this were you. Federer s victory was unpredictable and riveting, both with how the match played out and because it was against Rafael Nadal, maybe the second greatest player of all time. But a match between those two goes beyond great competition When you look at them deeply, there s a lot more going on There s a lot they can teach us. So, without further delay, here are.10 Ways Federer and Nadal Can Change Your Life. Old dogs can learn new tricks Because he had won more Majors than anyone else, Federer was always loathe to deviate from his previously successful style The problem was that style didn t work against Nadal at least on slow to medium surfaces But instead of just stubbornly saying, This is who I am, Federer changed it up in the Australian Open final the most important Grand Slam match ever played He didn t accept fate or stay in his lane, he changed He moved up on the baseline and attacked, especially when he needed it most We can do that, too We can change who we are or how we are or where we are, no matter how old we are We can change It s never too late, and Federer showed us that. Be beautiful One of the reasons Federer is the most popular tennis player of all time and also the most stylish is that his game is so beautiful His strokes flow like a warm Malta breeze, and he glides across the court effortlessly His game was designed that way He and his coaches were trying to be beautiful, much like Brazilian footballers have always aspired to be beautiful Beauty is something we can do on purpose Instead of just hitting a forehand or kicking a ball, we can do it elegantly Instead of just solving a problem, we can solve it appealingly Like Federer, spend all your time finding beautiful solutions to life s problems, and I bet something amazing comes your way Soon. No matter what, fight My favorite thing that Nadal does happens at press conferences He always admits that the odds are probably stacked against him He always admits that the road will be tough But then he always finishes by saying, I ll just go out there and fight hard and see what is happening Nadal doesn t care about the odds He only cares about fighting Both he and his uncle coach have admitted that Federer is a b etter tennis player than he is Nonetheless, Nadal goes out there every time to fight, and find out what s happening When you fight relentlessly, what is happening is usually you winning. Be humble No matter how many titles he wins or how many millions he s earned or how many awards he receives, by all accounts Roger Federer is a humble, kind human being And it pays off Besides the millions of people who have been touched by him in some way, Federer is always the crowd favorite Always If we always treat people kindly, we can make others lives better If we re always humble, we can always learn something new Champions and humility can go together. Be honest I was watching a Nadal match one time and the linesman missed the call Nadal didn t even wait for a protest, he immediately gave his opponent the point and walked to the other side The message was clear Yes, we re battling for millions of dollars and, yes, I will fight you to my last breath But I d rather lose than win something dishones tly How much better would the world be if everyone acted this way. Go slow Nadal, famous for playing every point with an intensity never before seen, always goes slowly Sometimes he goes so slowly that he gets point penalties But he goes slowly so that he can focus He beats people because he s constantly gathering himself and constantly focusing Other players concentration always seems to fade at some point, but Nadal s never does By going slowly, he gets the most out of every second Don t get distracted, don t rush into decisions Take your time and go slow, and you ll succeed where others fall off. Go fast Federer, famous for his 1-minute service games, always plays at a brisk pace He knows that it s easier to get into that magic flow state if you keep moving He knows beautiful means no waste, whether that s extra, unneeded time or anything else As Federer knows, it s easiest to maintain optimum performance if you keep going with the flow Slow down to ponder, perhaps, but use a quick rh ythm to keep good times going. Don t be afraid of missing out This might be the number one contributor to unhappiness in all of our lives If we don t get out there, we won t get chosen If we don t get started right now, we ll get left behind If we don t make this decision, we ll never have this opportunity again Last year Federer blew that way of thinking into smithereens When Federer got hurt around June, 2016 his doctors said he needed about three months off Federer said, What if I gave you six months He could have pushed it and come back for the U S Open in September, but he wanted to play the long game He wanted to be completely healthy even if it meant his ranking would plummet He didn t care about missing out He only cared about being the best he could be Guess what happens when you aren t afraid of missing out This. You don t have to be mad to be intense There s this notion that only screeching maniacs are intense I ve seen coach after coach run programs that look and sound like b oot camps because they think that s what intensity looks like Their player loses a match Run 10 miles, maggot larva Honestly, there s nothing I liked better than watching my students destroy those intensely trained players Intensity has nothing to do with that killed-or-be-killed, shrieking attitude Nadal shows us that No tennis tennis player has ever been as intense, or as calm under pressure My favorite story is Nadal s quote from the 2008 Wimbledon final against Federer the greatest match ever played Nadal had reached match point in the 4th set tie-break He was one swing away from his life s most passionately sought-after goal, and Federer took it from him with a lightning bolt down the line Federer then went on to win the tie-break a few minutes later, sending it to a deciding set Nadal had come so close and yet had watched it all slip away After the match, the press asked, What were thinking when you lost that 4th set Nadal replied, Nothing No screaming, no tantrums, no intensity Just calmness Guess who won the match You don t need to be a maniac to be the best. Embrace hard work without distraction It s so easy to get distracted If you want to be the best you can be, however, you have to stay on track In the middle of Nadal s amazing streak of French Open titles, he faced a young up-and-coming player named Novak Djokovic Although Nadal had beaten him soundly that day, Djokovic spent his time at his press conference saying how unimpressed his was by Nadal and how he ll dominate him next time A bit later, Nadal was told by the media how Djokovic said he was the better player and should have won Nadal s response Okay Nothing Djokovic said made a shred of difference Nadal knew that He gained nothing from throwing back tough-guy quotes The only thing that matters is doing the work Amazing things happen when we never deviate from that. Federer is definitely the greatest player of all time and Nadal is definitely the greatest competitor or all time By learning from the m, maybe we can become great, too. Please don t try this at home. Try it on your VPS or trading computer, maybe. But not at home This is far too scary to bring into your home. I ve gotten a lot of emails and I ve been doing a lot of thinking about how to upgrade the Fair Value system If you don t know, the Fair Value system is a methodology based on waiting for an extreme moment, taking a series of trades, and then holding until the position become profitable. The cool thing about trading this way is that about 98 of your series of trades become profitable within a week. The down side is that it doesn t trade every day When you have to wait for extreme situations, you obviously don t get opportunities all the time. We like the fact that waiting gets us a lot of quick winners, but we also want more trades. Well, we could take the Fair Value system and put it into hyper-drive. Honestly, I don t know if I should even be bringing this up It s a crazy way to trade and is definitely not for everyone or maybe anyone. For those who like to live on the edge, though, this post is for you If you like boring, consistent trading, feel free to look away now. Keep in mind, I m not going to release the settings on this system for at least another week I need to check and re-check the numbers But here goes. First, I used the NZDUSD Why Because this currency pair is generally benign It doesn t run off into irresponsible, savage, emotional trends That makes it a good candidate for what we re discussing. Second, I took all the principles of the Fair Value system and gave them some performance-enhancers Then I decided to take only one trade instead of a series of trades This enabled me to try to do what I m trying to do Last, I put a large stop loss on it, so I could increase the trade size. And here s what happened. The winning percentage for just taking one trade at a time went up to 97 48 That s kind of amazing. The amount of trades went through the roof This souped-up version took 1,031 trades from 2005-2017 That s more than twice as many as the traditional Fair Value version It still doesn t trade every day, but it trades a lot. And it had four streaks four of over 80 winning trades in a row. So here s what I was thinking. What if you took this system which trades a lot and wins a lot and took it to the limit What if we put the entire account on the line and went for 50 gains before pulling money out. What exactly do I mean I mean taking the trade size up high enough where if it hit our emergency stop, we d lose our whole account Yikes But if it went on a winning streak, I d pull money out every time I made a 50 gain. It takes about 25 winning trades in a row to make 50 on our account We ve seen streaks way bigger than that. In fact, here are the streaks.2005 17 in a row.2006 122 in a row.2007 108 in a row.2008 9 in a row.2008 57 in a row.2009 236 in a row.2011 76 in a row.2012 62 in a row.2013 61 in a row.2014 61 in a row.2015 73 in a row. If we took all that information and bet it t o the hilt, after that time period we d have a little more than 2,000 hypothetical dollars in our pockets. We started with 400 and ended with over 2,000 of profits After all the ups and downs, the big winning streaks, and losing the whole account a few times, we would have over a 500 gain on our account. Again, we d see huge winning streaks and also trades that took down the whole account But if we kept pulling money out and replenishing when necessary, with no compounding we could average almost 50 per year over time. That s pretty amazing And absolutely insane. I m going to do more research There might be an even better way to to do it Once I ve looked it over one a few more times, we ll talk about it again. The Thursday 2 pm EST webinars start up again January 5th The NEW registration link is here. The recordings of the Thursday webinars go on my YouTube channel You can Subscribe by going here. If you d like a copy of my free eBook, please email me at with the Subject Line Free eBook I ll be happy to send a copy right out. Posts navigation. Recent Posts. Recent Comments. VIDEO Cougar Helicopter Returns Safely to St John s Airport. March 18, 2017 4 43 pm March 18, 2017 7 21 pm. Cougar Helicopter Returns Safely to St John s Airport. Another of the company s aircraft left St John s just before 3 pm to escort flight 441 back to the airport. Plant Operator Calls for Extended Seal Hunt. March 18, 2017 1 40 pm. The operator of a newly opened seal processing plant says the seal hunt needs to be extended. Beaumont Hamel Returning to Service Today After Losing Power. March 18, 2017 12 38 pm. The Beaumont Hamel is out of service due to mechanical issues after losing power last night. Listen Live Coast To Coast AM with George Noory 1 00 AM - 6 00 AM. Click Here 590 AM.10 Actors That Do A Great Job Playing Straight Characters. In today s ever-growing society, it has become so much easier for gay men and women to become open with their sexuality instead of having to hide it away from the world out o f fear of backlash With more and more people coming out of the closet, it s also expected that a large number of our celebrity population also have a few gay actors here and there. Although their sexual orientation poses no impact on their talents as an actor or actress, it s always fascinating to learn that the shirtless actor in that steamy, rom-com that your girlfriend has been obsessed with actually happens to play for the other team Some of the most famous roles in television and film have been portrayed by an actor or actress who you actually would never guess is gay. Check them out, and see if you can guess which famous gay actor is behind your favorite straight characters. He is a former child prodigy with genius level IQ, but displays an almost total lack of social skills, a tenuous understanding of humor, and difficulty recognizing irony and sarcasm in other people. Recent Posts. This Is What 15 Game of Thrones Stars Look Like In.10 Facts About The Open Championship That May. Our F avorite Sites. iMarketsLive Review Stock advice as a product. International Markets Live more commonly referred to as iMarketsLive , is headed up by President and CEO Christopher Terry and based out of New York in the US. Describing how iMarketsLive came about, the company claims that. after years in the financial markets, a group of traders have come together with a group of marketers to create what is a perfect marriage for people who are looking for a way to create real wealth in their lives. In a rather spammy interview conducted by Denise A Martino who was in the same MLM company as Terry at the time , Terry right reveals. I was dating a girl and she was bragging about how her boss was making 5,000 a month in some business and that I should talk to him, so I did. He signed me up, and then my girlfriend, the very one who told me to speak to him, wanted me to quit because it was Amway I told my sponsor that I had some problems and I had to quit He told me, Get rid of the problems. So, I bro ke up with my girlfriend and built Amway. I was actually in Amway for several years in the 1990s I was fortunate to hit levels of success here in the United States in that company I then went overseas as Amway opened up new markets, which gave me the opportunity to have an international business. The interview is dated August 2012 and in it Terry states that other than the company he and Martino were in at the time Martino was recruited into Terry s downline , he has not joined any other MLM opportunities. Unfortunately the company he and Martino were in is not mentioned by name, however Terry does mention that. I have no products to carry around, no juices or vitamins to purchase or sell, I did not have to sneak up on my family and friends, and I do not have to sell expensive products that I can buy in the store cheaper We get paid to advertise Period. I have been approached by other network marketing companies that involve selling legal insurance, utility companies, juice companies, vitam in companies, weight loss companies, you name it I have found that ours is so simple our work is to advertise and it takes no more than two minutes per day. In my experience of reviewing hundreds of MLM opportunities, nothing legitimate has ever come out of the marriage of we get paid to advertise and an MLM business opportunity. One possibility is Zeek Rewards, who were the grand daddy of get paid to advertise at the time If it is Zeek Rewards Martino and Terry are talking about, that would be somewhat ironic seeing as the spammy interview was uploaded on August 13th, just five days before the SEC filed charges against the company. Note that the above is just a possibility and is not confirmed, I was unable to link either Terry or Martino to Zeek Rewards. I did however find this tweet from the 5th of October 2012 in which Martino is promoting Wealth Creation Alliance. At the time, Wealth Creation Alliance was a popular reload scam micro-Ponzi for ex-Zeek Rewards affiliates. Other than Amway and the mystery passive earning we get paid to advertise business mentioned in the Martino interview, I don t believe Terry has been involved in MLM On the executive side of things, iMarketsLive would appear to be his first venture. Read on for a full review of the iMarketsLive MLM business opportunity. The iMarketsLive Product Line. iMarketsLive has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only being able to market affiliate membership to the company itself. Bundled with affiliate membership is access to what iMarketsLive call the Live Trading Room. The Live Trading Room is where you can follow our expert traders to see exactly what they are doing each day to win in the markets watch as they identify Support and Resistance levels and areas that provide the best trading opportunities in the Forex markets. This is where the real money is made in the markets Open from 8 30 am to 4 15 pm EST, Mon Fri, the Live Trading Room gives you access to everything you need to set yourself up t o place winning trades consistently. iMarketsLive claim access to their Live Trading Room is worth 5500 USD. Also bundled with iMarketsLive affiliate membership is access to a Trade Signal Service. IML s Trade Signal Service gives you access to the SAME BUY SELL signals sent by our traders in the Live Trading Room. We do all the hard work for you by watching the markets for hours, until a golden opportunity is spotted then with our expertise the right signals are immediately sent to you. This gives you the freedom to go about your daily activities without worrying about finding the knowledge and or time to analyze and time the markets. iMarketsLive claim access to their Trade Signal Service is worth 6500 USD. The iMarketsLive Compensation Plan. With nothing but affiliate membership to sell within the opportunity, the iMarketsLive compensation plan revolves around the sale of iMarketsLive affiliate membership. Recruitment Commissions. iMarketsLive offer a Fast Start Bonus commission whenever a ne w affiliate is recruited into the company The iMarketsLive Fast Start Bonus is paid out as a percentage of a newly recruited affiliate s membership fee, and is paid down 4 levels of recruitment. Level 1 personally recruited affiliates 30.Levels 3 and 4 5.Residual Commissions. Residual Commissions in iMarketsLive are paid out using a 3 8 matrix A 3 8 matrix places an affiliate at the top of the matrix with three positions directly under them level 1.In turn, these level 1 positions branch out into another three positions each level 2 and so on and so forth down 8 levels for a total of 9840 positions. Within this 3 8 matrix, each position represents a recruited affiliate Affiliates are recruited into a matrix either via direct recruitment or the recruiting efforts of an affiliates up and downlines. For each position filled in an iMarketsLive matrix, the company pays out 8 of that affiliates monthly membership fees out as a commission. An iMarketsLive affiliate membership is 247 a month, so th is equates to 19 76 commission per position filled in an affiliate s matrix. Note that an affiliate is not able to earn on all eight levels of their matrix unless they recruit new iMarketsLive affiliates. recruit 2 affiliates earn on levels 1 to 4 of the matrix. recruit 6 affiliates earn on levels 5 and 6 of the matrix. recruit 9 affiliates earn on level 7 of the matrix. recruit 12 affiliates earn on all 8 levels of the matrix. Joining iMarketsLive. Affiliate membership to iMarketsLive is 247 a month. I don t really know where to begin with iMarketsLive With no retailable products or services, affiliates being charged monthly membership fees and a compensation plan that pays out on the recruitment new affiliates, iMarketsLive from an MLM perspective functions as a pyramid scheme. Affiliates join the company, pay their 247 a month and are then paid 8 of affiliate fees paid by affiliates recruited by themselves, their upline or their downline. What this is attached to is irrelevant, as it is the p ayment of monthly membership fees that generates revenue for the company to pay commissions with. The fact that iMarketsLive have attached this to a stock market advice service and buy and sell signals. Here s how iMarketsLive envisage their Live Trading Room will work. That s the affiliates at the bottom of the picture, being told what to buy by iMarketsLive s expert traders up the top. Within the Live Trading Room, you will obtain the following benefits.-Watch Chris and his team of moderators time the markets using time-tested techniques that will be well-explained to you and other traders in the room.-Get detailed explanations of the thought-process behind each and every single trade that is placed We provide guidance through each trade as well as an explanation after the completion of a trade There is always a technical reason why we trade.-Watch how each trade is setup in real-time with exact entries exits, stops, and targets.-Daily reviews of each trading day, with recaps of the days trading events and our game plan for the next day We never exaggerate results.-Look over the shoulders of our Expert Traders and see exactly what they are doing each day to win in the markets. The idea being you sit back, get told what to trade in, follow iMarketsLive s expert trader advice and make bajillions of dollars. Hell, the SEC are probably on their way to arrest you just for reading about iMarketsLive in this review. This is copied verbatim. Bankruptcy Financial Proceeding Final. This type of disclosure event involves a bankruptcy, compromise with one or more creditors, or Securities Investor Protection Corporation liquidation involving the broker or an organization brokerage firm the broker controlled within the last 10 years. Disclosure 1 of 1.Reporting Source Broker. Action Type Compromise. Action Date 03 29 2006.Organization Investment Related. Action Pending No. Disposition Date 03 29 2006.If a compromise with creditior, provide. Name of Creditor DISCOVER. Original Amount Owed 9,115 00.Terma Reached with Creditor AFTER SPEAKING WITH CREDITOR WE AGREED TO SETTLED THE ACCOUNT FOR 3,075.The original amount owed was 9,115 00 The creditors accepted 3,075 as something is better than nothing in a bankruptcy case. Nowhere does it state the bankruptcy, Finra s word not mine, was a credit card dispute. The original amount owed was 9,115 00 The creditors accepted 3,075 as something is better than nothing in a bankruptcy case. Nowhere does it state the bankruptcy, Finra s word not mine, was a credit card dispute. Looks like we have different interpretations of the FINRA data, Cliff I reckoned that if it was a bankruptcy they would ve categorized the event as Action Type Bankruptcy rather than Action Type Compromise. Anyway, if you d care to search the Public Access to Court Electronic Records PACER website, as I have, which gives access to case information from federal, appellate, district and bankruptcy courts, you ll find there s no record in any court in the land for Isis De L a Torre bankruptcy or otherwise. That settles it for me Case closed Or rather no case at all. Julie, in the UK, bankruptcy stays on record for six years and is then wiped I imagine on the other side of the pond, bankruptcy gets deleted from financial records in a similar fashion after a certain amount of time. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Under Chapter 13 bankruptcy, a person repays at least a portion of their debts Chapter 13 bankruptcy will remain in the credit report for seven years from the filing date. The PACER site shows a record of Chapter 7 and 13 cases, even after they ve been discharged, Cliff. Among the 4,361 records containing the surname De La Torre, there are plenty of discharged cases going right back to the nineties The case might be withdrawn from a credit report after a specified time but evidently it remains in the PACER database. Julie, in principal, I will concede that point. IML is for trading and that s now going too well You can make very good money selling a 1500 package wi th a 247 monthly signal fee BUT my experience has been less than stellar. The signals netted just 10 pips as of last week and this week we are down There is a convention coming up and lots of rah rah but I need to see some better trading for my 247 per month. Hmm everyone recruiting for IML is promising 2mins of work a day and you make huge amounts Sickening when all the IML recruiters were Banners Broker big players and profiteers and dragging those people into another sham. Launch report by Chris Terry. tonight We Attended a Funeral, we Buried Broke 100 of our affiliates walked across stage and paid respects to the end of Broke Debt, they tossed into the casket their credit cards, bills, debts, low bank accounts and mediocrity due to Broke controlling their lives. tonight 100 of our affiliates at the IML Launch party started a new life of abundance and wealth was me on stage giving a sermon at the Funeral of Broke turned into a Las Vegas party with a DJ show girls and dancing all night in celebrating our future for all of our nearly 1,000 affiliates worldwide. what a start to the most incredible business venture I ever started Oh YES it was a REAL Casket with Real Flowers attendees walked in we had a singer live singing Ave Maria, when the party started, we kicked in with Biggie s Hypnotize. Happens all the time at trading events, said no one ever. Probably the posts from 2013 got one right The concept was being born and like all visions needed to be perfected. Since late 2015 the company actually has thrown some value to the market place and there s some more couple of thousands of young traders getting rich fast. I been in there and it was really beneficial has I paid the lousy 150 a month to be educated and hanging with people with the same mind set. I would of stayed but now I trade for myself and mostly thanks to iml So haters just go back to your regular 925 fast bcuz the clock is running. Livia, you didn t ask for a refund until AFTER the 14 day money back guarantee ot herwise they would have gladly refunded as they do with many people who cancel. Also you were never asked for 1249 Euros extra No one is ever asked to give money to iML The only money you give to iML is to pay for the subscription fee for the service, which of course you can cancel anytime you wish so there s no long term commitment. Hope that helps clarify things a bit for those reading Livia s comments. Does any one have statistical performance records about the advice given by this whatchamacallit i e how good are the shots called Or is it really more of a random dart thing. The pyramid scheme definitely is the way to make money and a lot however you can make it trading as well or so I m told. I m in contact with a friend who I met in Cali trying to get me on board with him so he can add to his team internationally I know the guy a few months and I m usually a good judge of character however one thing I learnt from living in California is everyone s intention leads back to money. Although I know he spent a lot of time learning forex from reviewing him the last few months he seems to have gone about this specific IML marketing scheme which he tells me I ll learn too when I join. The scheme seems to be basically post about your trade wins to draw attention, show people that trading is your passion and then wait for them to latch on and pull them in. I did my investigation and can t find a single bit of information on success rates of the all mighty cash printing harmonic scanner He insists it is high and while you learn how it works you can invest in there 5 different autotraders. You can tell from researching that there is clearly some sort of hold on the information around IML every review links to an affiliate and this is 100 part of the marketing campaign It looks like they ve used the affiliates to swamp the market. My decision before joining and investing is down to trusting this friend, if he really wants me on board then even if the trading Isnt legit something can c ome from it. Oz, This directly links Chris Terry to Zeek Rewardspany Name PENNY COMPOUNDING WIZ INC File Number 4208882 Filing State New York NY Filing Status Active Filing Date February 28, 2012 Company Age 4 Years, 1 Month Registered Agent Christopher Terry. Don Things are not as black and white as you suggest If that were the case, network marketing would be illegal and all companies like Amway, etc would be out of business. I am not suggesting I am quoting an expert in MLM law We are quite sure Amway had dotted the i s and cross the t s Their legal department would probably outnumber iMarketLive s entire operation. What s your counterpoint other than the special pleading fallacy, i e I can t explain it but surely there s an exception to what you said. With network marketing, an independent business owner is not simply referring people , he is the point of sale, he is the one telling a potential customer about the products of the company so technically, he is an independent sales person. He has a written agreement with the company that allows him to function as a 3rd party independent sales person and he is compensated for sales with a commission This is similar to a company like Best Buy that can sell phones for Verizon they show people the product and they get compensated when a sale is made. The part you obviously don t like is the idea of building a sales force and being compensated for that. If you start a company with the intention to sell Verizon phones and you bring other people into you company, training them, helping them to know the features of the product, how it can benefit people, what accessories people may want to buy with the phone, etc you are not going to do all of that without compensation. You would expect to earn part of the proceeds of the sales they make, after all you re the one who put in the time and effort to help them succeed, and so you have shared in the effort of the sale. This is how real estate brokers, insurance brokers, etc work The brok er has the resources, the experience and know how and the realtor or agent they ve brought into work with them benefits from that in exchange for giving a portion of the sale commission to the broker. What is not legal is if the compensation plan is not based on the sale of a product or service If it is simply a recruiting mechanism without value, then it becomes a pyramid scheme. As I ve said several times, iMarketsLive requires an Independent Business Owner to have made retail sales to non-IBO customers to qualify for commission. If a customer becomes an IBO, he will need to generate another retail sale to make up for that this puts the focus of an IBO on retail sales of the product. Don This is why IML requires 55 retail customers to pay out commissions. IML has no retail price for its products, so affiliates and retail customers pay the same price how do you then differentiate between affiliates and retail customers do you simply label non recruiting affiliates as retail customers. such a definition of customers doesn t fly ask vemma. Don If they were in control of that money, then yes, they would need to be registered with the SEC, but they are not in control of your funds. IML is USA based, and needs to be registered with the SEC as an Investment Adviser. this is how the SEC defines an investment adviser. Money managers, investment consultants, and financial planners are regulated in the United States as investment advisers under the U S Investment Advisers Act of 1940 Advisers Act or Act or similar state statutes. Section 202 a 11 of the Act defines an investment adviser as any person or firm that. is engaged in the business of. providing advice to others or issuing reports or analyses regarding securities. IML satisfies all three requirements for an investment adviser. whether or not you have final control over your trades is not the issue any person firm providing investment advice for compensation needs to be registered with the SEC. so, is IML registered with the SEC or not. Don The part you obviously don t like is the idea of building a sales force and being compensated for that. It s not whether I like or not, but whether the law will accept that as legal Right now, there is NO difference between an affiliate, and a customer, other then customer has no downline. If you have to become a customer first, THEN an affiliate, then you have referral selling, because you are basically getting discount by referring other customers and your pay is contingent on them buying in. If majority of affiliates joined WITHOUT being a customer, then it s for sure a sales force. But if most of the affiliates started as customers, th en there is HEAVY suspicion of referral selling, which is ILLEGAL, as per MLM lawyer. It has nothing to do with LIKE or DISLIKE Don t bring emotion into a factual and logical discussion It muddies the waters. Who owns the software. This has gone unanswered, but the reason I brought it up was because we all know iMarketsLive own it. Based on what Don says here. Autotrader is an application that is used to mirror trades Trades will be placed automatically based on your risk criteria. Autotrader has access to customer money Autotrader manages the money automatically based on iMarketsLive s trades. Effectively iMarketsLive are managing customer money through autotrader, on the promise of a passive ROI. How is this not a securities offering again. Don What is not legal is if the compensation plan is not based on the sale of a product or service If it is simply a recruiting mechanism without value, then it becomes a pyramid scheme. listen in to the radio interview with kevin thompson, MLM attorney, wh ich i have linked below. he clearly says that compulsory autoship or having most affiliates on autoship is unacceptable to the FTC and courts. bundling product with such autoship, does not necessarily mean that the compensation plan is based on the sale of a product or service the court looks for the intent behind the affiliates purchase of products on autoship. in IML affiliates do not enjoy any product discounts, so that cannot be the intent behind their autoship. moreover IML affiliates have to be on autoship to qualify for commissions, and earning such commissions are construed by regulators and courts, to be the Primary reason for being on autoship, instead of real product value. you really must check out FTC vs vemma and stay abreast of the timesmissionable autoship has had a free run for a long time in the MLM industry but now, as thompson says, the police are on the streets , and IML needs to rethink its comp plan to survive. Oz, if you have a forex account, your funds are with a bro ker like FXCM, NOT with iMarketsLive How you trade with those funds is entirely up to you. You can choose to go on Twitter and see what other traders might be doing, you can choose to buy a robot that places trades based on signals whether following it s own indicators or trades of a 3rd party. You are the one in control, even if you ve set the software to trade automatically Why because you decide on risk, you decide on whether to turn it on or off, you are the money manager. Anjali, IML has revised it s compensation plan as I mentioned in earlier posts They require retail sales to customers who are not Independent Business Owners IBO before qualifying for commission. They also do not require you to purchase the product to be an IBO You can be an IBO for just 15 month which covers tools you are given website, training, company support. K Chang, I brought like dislike into it because you didn t seem to want to look at the changes IML has made They have split the IBO Customers apart. Yes, you can obviously buy the product as an IBO, but you re not required to You also need to make retail sales before qualifying for commission. Oz, if you have a forex account, your funds are with a broker like FXCM, NOT with iMarketsLive How you trade with those funds is entirely up to you. Through use of autotrader, iMarketsLive access affiliate funds and trade with them with the aim of generating a passive ROI for the customer paying them fees. How is this not a securities offering. Don Anjali, IML has revised it s compensation plan as I mentioned in earlier posts They require retail sales to customers who are not Independent Business Owners IBO before qualifying for commission. an IML compensation plan video published by a ron crane on march 20, 2016, mentions that a retail customer can upgrade to an IBO, by paying a 5 fee. the rest of the video is all about recruit recruit recruit and unlock great wealth nothing about the product, nothing about product retail. i think IML affiliates will run a round signing up people as retail customers who will then pay a 5 fee and voila they will become IBO s, as they intended to be. sounds like compliance BS to me lets consult an MLM lawyer and appear compliant. anjali i think IML affiliates will run around signing up people as retail customers who will then pay a 5 fee and voila they will become IBO s, as they intended to be. sounds like compliance BS to me lets consult an MLM lawyer and appear compliant. Yep Anjali You ll notice he didn t address my very simple question reposted below. Char Wouldn t your sponsor be better off having you be one of his retail customers. Since Don said he wasn t sponsoring anyone. anjali i think IML affiliates will run around signing up people as retail customers who will then pay a 5 fee and voila they will become IBO s, as they intended to be. If their retail customers become IBOs, they need to sell to additional retail customers or they will not be paid commissions. Char Yep Anjali You ll notice he didn t addres s my very simple question reposted below Wouldn t your sponsor be better off having you be one of his retail customers. If you want to build a business, you really want both customers and IBOs Looking at a short term view, yes, it may be better for my sponsor to have me be a customer only, not an IBO But, just like any sales force, more sales are made by many giving some effort than one person giving 100.So in a longer term view, it helps to have other IBOs you re training working with to be more successful It s the same with any business, if you want to expand it and be more profitable, you need more sales people. I have not sponsored anyone yet I hope to build a business with IML, but I ve chosen to try the products first to make sure they are effective before I really start working hard to sell it to others. I hope to build a business with IML, but I ve chosen to try the products first to make sure they are effective before I really start working hard to sell it to others. If you weren t sure, why did you sign up right away Gosh how did you even know you could turn this into a business. Char If you weren t sure, why did you sign up right away Gosh how did you even know you could turn this into a business. Well that s a silly question Obviously I see the potential with iMarketsLive I signed up with a twofold purpose 1 to benefit from the products, 2 to build a business. Is it strange for me to want my own personal testimony of a product before heavily promoting it. don, cut the bull crap about IML s pretend retail you have no retail price and a 5 differential between so called retail customers and affiliates. christopher terry goes and changes the comp plan to appear compliant but forgets to introduce a retail price why. if IML has such banging products, it must prove that people are willing to buy it at retail and continue services with the company month after month. right now, IML has 100 internal consumption and cosmetic changes like a 5 differential between customers and affiliates will not withstand the scrutiny of a regulator or court. BTW do these comp plan changes have anything to do with the FTC asking questions. a ripoffreport published by a James Chaston on april 22, 2016, has made some pretty strong allegations against terry and IML. the report can be read in its entirety on the ripoffreport site but here are some interesting allegations made. I bought into the entire hype of IML and their founder Chris Terry, the 85 million dollar man, who when I first met, made me sleep on his couch in his rental hotel unit, I at first didn t think much of it but soon found out that this man is nothing but lies. At first he started off by telling me and my team that the objective was to help others, teach them Forex, provide a sollid company but as time progessed all he did was bash everyone behind their back and literally told us at one point screw my clients, they are paying, that s all that matters, I could care less if they succeed or not. We tried everything to get this man to understand his company was on the verge of crashing and his distributer numbers were way too high but his head is too far up his arse to even care, until his payment processor got shut down and letters from the FTC started rolling in. And I m warning all of you now, the company WILL BE SHUT DOWN so I encourage all of you to pack up and leave. I can tell you firsthand that he is currently talking to offshore payment processors to ship all of our funds offshore, where no one can do ANYTHING if he chooses to skip town, no police, no regulator can help us if our funds are removed from the United States, which is exactly what he s doing. IML will be shut down inevitably by the FTC and at very least everyones money frozen for investigation which means YOU and I will be investigated as well as we traded with none NFA regulated brokers. I have since been terminated, my funds taken away which shows zero security with this company. NO ONE has been paid lately and anyone who IS gett ing paid is working directly with him to SHOW they got some money to lure more people in. so, alex morton did not last even an year with jeunesse did he have a fallout with the management or did his recruitment dry up. whatever the reason, morton seems to be traveling downwards in his career graph. at least vemma and jeunesse had some semblance of a structured corporate entity. imarketslive has a virtual office address, and a CEO who sits in front of the kitchenette of his rented hotel room, to give corporate updates. imarketslive has no product and sells memberships the recent comp plan changes which include retail requirements, look good on paper, but unless christopher terry releases real data about retail sales, i wont be inclined to believe him. the comp plan states that IBO s can join for a fee of 15 a month without purchasing the membership, but encourages IBO s to purchase the platinum membership. If you join as an IBO, the cost is 15 with a monthly renewal of 15 to keep your business active. Being an IBO lets you share the IML products and services with others, while taking part in the Compensation Plan. There is no requirement to purchase the Platinum Package as an IBO, though we highly recommend it. it will be interesting to see how many IBO s have NOT purchased the platinum pack the numbers will be very low. i suspect everyone joins as a retail customer, and once they find someone to recruit they pay 15 and become an IBO this is not true retail as the intent behind the purchase is to become an IBO. morton has begun his journey downwards from grey but somewhat respectable MLM companies, to the shadier underbelly type of MLM he s young and he s hit the self destruct button pretty fast. alex morton is over. IML affiliates are incredulous all over facebook because the great revered MLM magician alex morton has joined their ranks. it s like alex morton will personally ferry them to success and wealth and will change the game for them. but alex morton did not change the game for jeunesse at all juenesse is in a downward spiral even today and may crash soon. IML affiliates have great expectations of morton and he may just fail them. in a recent photo on FB, alex morton is seen addressing a rather young audience i hope he s not back to trapping students into autoship again the FTC needs to whack this guy. besides roping in alex morton possibly with a backroom secret deal IML has engaged the law firm of spencer reese to tweak its comp plan and be compliant. troy dooly has been hired as an advisor to christopher terry, and accordingly dooly has started promoting IML. dooly parrots the IML website s claim that terry is a 8 figure earner in trading, maybe he should personally check this out before possibly misguiding people. dooly also prepares his audience for the negative info about terry and IML they might run into on the net. In closing, I want to make it very clear, that if you do your due diligence, and search the internet about Chris Terry or IML, you will find both negative and critical information. I m never concerned about negative info, but when I run across rock solid key info, I stop and read it I learned years ago there is always an ounce of truth in a pound of essential info. Although I am not going to cover the critical info I uncovered in this article, I will be including this information in an upcoming article so you can get the panoramic view of Christopher Terry and iMarkets Live. dooly has had long conversations with terry and is going to meet him in his office, so i hope he will ask terry about his new compliant comp plan in which affiliates and customers both buy the product at the same price, and are differentiated by a 15 affiliate fee. as IML affiliates are not forced but encouraged to buy the product, maybe dooly can check out how many affiliates have indeed bought the product. all i can see is some psuedocompliance BS, where non recruiting affiliates are going to be passed off as retail customers. alex morton seems to be a bad luck charm, so dooly surely does not want to be pitching the wrong MLM after his run in with the regulators in zeek.
